Marketing Program

One-Person Business

Create a personal brand

that describes the experience of working with you


Are you a one-person business owner who’s tired of comparing yourself to everyone else and feeling like you come up short?

Get moving in the right direction with a 5-step coach-yourself marketing program that will have you working in your sweet spot every day of the week.


Have you said any of these things to yourself recently?


I wish I was more extroverted, because then I’m sure I’d be better at business.


Why can’t I stop comparing myself to everyone else and feeling like I come up short?



How am I ever going to stand out from all the other people doing what I do?


What does my website/logo/branding need to look like for people to want to work with me?


How can I get more clients?


Get answers  

 A marketing program tailor made for one-person business owners, that answers with the most basic issues that stop most people from 

Step 1 ->


Your personality, skills and experience are the most significant assets of your one-person business. Before you think about where you’re going, take a moment to consider what you’ve got to get you there.

Take a walk with me through the inventories of three one-person business owners, then I’ll show you how to put what you’ve learned into practice for yourself.


Step 2 ->


Our identity or “self” is a model we create to help us make sense of the world. It determines how we see ourselves and other people and is the single biggest factor in our happiness and success.

Look over my shoulder at the Personal Identity Profiles of three one-person business owners, then I’ll show you how to put what you’ve learned into practice for yourself.


Step 3 ->


Have you got a great answer to the question “what do you do, who do you do it for and why do you do it better than anyone else?” If not, then you’re missing the single most important tool in your marketing toolbox.

Sit beside me as I create a USP and Niche Statement for three one-person business owners, then I’ll show you how to put what you’ve learned into practice for yourself.


Step 4 ->


Branding is about more than just pretty. It’s about describing the experience of working with you to someone you’ve never met. So before you dash off for a logo, dash in here and find out what you need.

Sit beside me as I assemble brand archetypes for three one-person business owners, then show you how to put what you’ve learned into practice for yourself.


Step 5


“Build it and they will come” didn’t work for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams and it’s unlikely to work for you. Make it easy for people to work with you and you’ll improve your chances of business success.

In this step we’ll look at how your clients will decide what to spend their money on and how you can improve the odds that it’ll be what you have to offer.


Or enrol for the whole program

for just AU$999
and get one step free